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Back in Business Blend

Back in Business Blend

This potent tea mix is a fusion of age-old Eastern elements and cutting-edge Western solutions.

Combining the well-known perks of lemongrass and ginger with the curative qualities of Ba Ji Tian, this blend aims to restore you to peak form.


30 Servings (3g)

Congestion & Colds

Congestion & Colds

VitaliTea's 'Back in Business Blend' can help relieve congestion. Ginger and Lemongrass opens airways and reduces inflammation, making it the right choice when suffering from cold symptoms and respiratory discomfort. 

Hydration and Detox

Lemongrass is known for its potential diuretic properties, aiding in hydration and supporting your body's natural detoxification processes.

Cough Relief

The soothing nature of Lemongrass and Ginger can help alleviate cough symptoms, calming irritation in the throat and airways.

Aches & Pain

Aches & Pain

VitaliTea's 'Back in Business Blend' may aid with aches and pains by reducing inflammation and discomfort. Gingers antispasmodic effects might help soothe joint discomfort, muscle cramps, and soreness.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Gingers potential anti-inflammatory properties may contribute to reducing inflammation in the respiratory system helping ease discomfort. 

Adaptogenic Properties

Ba Ji Tian is considered an adaptogen, potentially aiding your body in adapting to stress and promoting overall resilience.


Anti-Nausea Properties

Ginger is well-known for its potential to alleviate nausea, making this blend a helpful option for easing queasiness.

Mood Balance / Anti-Stress Support

The blend's calming and soothing properties may help reduce stress and tension, promote emotional well-being and elevated moods.

Anti-Aging Qualities

The antioxidants in the blend may contribute to better skin health and overall aging by combating free radicals.


Morina Root

- Zhang, H., Li, J., Li, G., Wang, D., Zhu, L., & Yang, D. (2009). Structural characterization and anti-fatigue activity of polysaccharides from the roots of Morinda officinalis. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 44(3), 257–261.
- Aitken, R., Smith, T., Jobling, M., Baker, M., & De Iuliis, G. (2014). Oxidative stress and Male Reproductive Health. Asian Journal of Andrology, 16(1), 31.
- Luo, H., Wang, Y., Qin, Q., Wang, Y., Xu, J., & He, X. (2021b). Anti-inflammatory naphthoates and anthraquinones from the roots of Morinda officinalis. Bioorganic Chemistry, 110, 104800.

Lemon Grass

- Adhikary, K. et al. (2023) ‘Nutritional aspects, chemistry profile, extraction techniques of lemongrass essential oil and it’s physiological benefits’, Journal of the American Nutrition Association, pp. 1–18. doi:10.1080/27697061.2023.2245435


- Makanjuola, S. A., Enujiugha, V. N., Omoba, O. S., & Sanni, D. M. (2015). Combination of antioxidants from different sources could offer synergistic benefits: A case study of tea and Ginger Blend. Natural Product Communications, 10(11).
- Shahrajabian, M. H., Sun, W., & Cheng, Q. (2019). Clinical aspects and health benefits of ginger (zingiber officinale) in both traditional Chinese medicine and modern industry. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science, 69(6), 546–556.
- Singletary, K. (2010). Ginger. Nutrition Today, 45(4), 171–183.
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